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It pays to refer!

37% of applications come from co-opting

Co-optation (noun) : the act of recommending a candidate to any company.

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1. Consult offers

2. Co-opt = refer a candidate

3. Employer hires your candidate

4. Earn points

5. Collect $$$

1. Consulte les offres

2. Coopte = réfère un candidat

3. L’employeur embauche le candidat

4. Obtiens des points

5. Récolte la prime $$$

Our specialties

BeeRefer is much more than a recruitment agency. You want as many people out there helping you build the perfect team. The BeeRefer app connects co-opters and companies to increase your chances of finding the next perfect person.
Our seasoned experts have more than 20 years recruiting experience at reputed firms. SMBs or multinationals, we can fill any position. Our specialties are accounting, human resources, administration and health.
  • Health
  • Accounting
  • Human Resources
  • Administration

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To post a job, recruit new employees, recommend someone, or join our FREE community of co-opters, write us!
    Notre infolettre occasionnelle est axée sur la cooptation et le recrutement. Aucun spam, c’est promis!